Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Traveling Alone..

There is no nice way to say this: none of my friends are open minded enough to want to go. That is the main reason that I think about traveling alone. There are other reasons like just having the freedom to do anything that I want to do, when I want to do it, eating where I want, and not having to hear anyone complain (either in my face or behind my back). Please don't get me wrong, I love traveling with friends and my most vivid memories include trips that I have taken with them, but I want to go beyond just the Vegas or DC trips that we are used to. I spoke to one of my closest friends about possibly traveling overseas. No place too crazy, like London or Paris. She had every excuse from costs to the amount of time being on the airplane. 

Truth is I would love to travel to Bora Bora or Egypt. Experience the culture, see the once in a lifetime sites, do the stuff that tourists do, and meet new people. For once, not be concerned with the club and who plays the best music. Honestly, all of my trips are planed around clubs and nightlife. There is nothing wrong with turning up every once in a while, but I feel that I am getting past that age. I've read several blogs and stories about traveling alone and  I feel as if I am ready to spread my wings and my horizons! 

Be on the lookout for upcoming posts including saving, destination selection, and planning!

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