Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thankful Tuesdays at Work!

I just had to post that today was a good day! It seems like everywhere I looked there was good thing happening around me at work.  I normally post Thankful Thursdays, but this time I was so excited that I just had to share...right now!

  • I am so thankful that one of my residents finally got her stuff together to go another site! Long story, she needed a birth certificate to be able to transfer units, and she got it! I am so proud of her. Sad to lose her as a resident, but happy because I know that she'll love her new place even more and its the best for her.

  • Everyone that I called today answered their phone! Great! Yes! At work, that is a good thing.

  • My part-time maintenance aid had a good attitude and was willing to help out with stuff. He begged to leave early, but I got more out of him than most people did.

  • One of the other managers was at a store and asked if he could pick my material up and deliver it to my site! Sure can!

  • Without even asking one of tradesman volunteered to come help with snow removal, if needed!

  • I got someone to help out while my full-time maintenance aid is off!

Not work related, and possibly the best thing ever, my dad wants to buy my car and help me get a new one! There ain't no body like my daddy! I love him so much! It's kind of like a win-win for the both of us.

I feel so blessed! Thank You Jesus! I know that some of this seems like small stuff, but it helped make my day. Its the little things with me.

Feeling Blessed and Highly Favored??!? Let me know--no matter how small it was!

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