Thursday, October 11, 2012


Vitamins! My first true love. Ok, that is a little extreme. I am starting back up my vitamin regimen for the fall season. The cold and other things weaken our immune system and instead of leaning on conventional medicine, I going to start back taking my vitamin. They consist of the following:

GNC Woman's Energy & Metabolism: This is an essential multi vitamin, kicked up with lots of B vitamins for energy and metabolism. One of the side effects, it turns you pee a bright yellow color.

Omega 3-6-9-: This vitamin is supposed to be good for a plethora of things. I will let you know what the outcome or lasting effects.

Vitamin C: Good ol' fashion, chewable vitamin C. I have to have the chewable one. I have also tried the ones with Rose Hip, but didn't notice a difference in anything other than price.

Vitex: The newest vitamin/herb on the block.This takes a while to see the effects, so this will be updated at a later time.

Are you taking any vitamins? What are some of your favorites? 

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