Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vegas Baby!

What happens here, stays here! I am going on a well deserved vacation and birthday trip to Las Vegas! I will be sure to take lots of pictures and possibly post them here. Wish me safe travels! Until I post again...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Spiritual Sunday: Contentment-The Reprise

While doing all of my posts about contentment I forgot about one important part: celibacy. It has been over 2 years since I have been intimate with a man. Dang, its been that long?!?! Sigh. Let's not focus on the time periods. I was thinking and this is the perfect example of contentment. I have been on this journey and before anyone thinks that its easy, its not. It's hard. Believe me. But there are so good things that have come out of it...when I think of them I will post it (here).

Okay, enough with the jokes. I am perfectly fine with being celibate. I am so fine with it that I have joined a celibacy group that supports woman that are going to wait for marriage. Yes, I am going hard on this celibacy thing. I am thinking about getting myself a celibacy ring.

In my life there are things that have happen brought me to this point. One day,  when I open up my non-profit you will know because it will be based around/off of it. But I am doing what makes me happy and that is what contentment is all about right?!?!  Now, this has been met with some adversity. I think that some of my family members think that I am gay since that haven't seen/heard of me with a man in so long. To be honest, that hurts me because my family just doesn't understand. They think that I am the one that is weird, but actually it's how the Lord wants it to be. I am going to put my sexual life in the Lord's hands. He knows my heart, needs, and wants better than a man that just wants my flesh.

I recently discovered a GREAT blog by a truely inspiring woman named Heather Lindsey. I invite all of you to take a moment, look around, and be inspired. There are alot of articles on there, and she also has an online boutique. Click Here

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Words of Wisdom

If you are depressed you are living in the past,

If you are anxious you are living in the future,

If you are at peace you are living in the present.

-Live Laugh Love

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spiritual Sunday

Over the past month, I have been focused on being more content with my life. If you have read all of my posts you might be saying, what does all of this mean? To sum it all up, I am going to be grateful for what I have, work on being a better person, and do what makes me happy. Put myself at peace with alot of things in my life. I am going to stop with the lists and beating myself with only completing 2 of the 35 things on it. Take my time with everything. I know that everything will come in due time...this is where my faith must come in at.

Being content with myself and my life will open up doors. Doors to freedom. Doors to being myself. There are so many things that I want to do. Notice, I said I want to do. Not what I think I should do, or what other people are going to do. And yes, this will sound weird to some people but for me it means putting everything in God's hands.

Have you ever seen some do something and it just looks effortlessly? I mean, I have friends that are like that; it seems like they don't even try and they get what they want. There is no struggle or confusion, it just falls into their lap. Well, that is how I want my life to be, but only I want God to be the one to put me at peace, guide me, and free me--effortlessly.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday Tidbit...

A product thumbnail of MetaGrip Black Ponytail Hooks
Haven't done a tidbit Thursday in a while. Just something that I have discovered that makes putting this thick, kinky hair of mine in a ponytail easier than ever Ponytail Hooks. At first, I was so confused on how to use these, but after I got the hang of it, I love these thangs! You can find these ponytail hooks at your local Sally's.

Got questions? I can walk you through it...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My 'Almost' Perfect Nude for Dark Skin...

While browsing my local Wal-Mart, I came across what I think to be an almost perfect nude color for dark skin. It's Rimmel Kate Moss #14 lipstick. At first, I was really skeptical because I always see this one YouTuber, who's name I cannot remember, use Air Fairy by Rimmel and it looks really good on her, but I need something a little darker and not so ash looking. This pictures shows it as being more pink than brown, but with some brown liner and gloss...its perfect!

Now, if you are looking for a nude nail polish, look no further than OPI San Tan-Tonio! I tried this polish in store and it was so pretty on, more like a chocolate milk color. I personally think that it would look great on all skin tones. I think that I am going to try mines with my leopard Konad stamping plate in black...cute!  

If you are a dark skin girl, what are you favorite nude lipsticks and polishes?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Curls Unleashed Product Review

Today kicks off Beauty Week here on Walking Through Honey! As many of you know, and can tell by most of my posts, I really don't post much about products or reviews. This week I will be posting more beauty related posts.

Today, I will be giving an honest review on the Curls Unleashed Sulfate Free Shampoo and Moisturizing Conditioner.

Up first, The Sulfate-Free Shampoo. For the most part, I like this shampoo. I must admit that I am not really concerned with shampoos, but this one is better than other sulfate free shampoos that I have used. It smells good and cleans your hair well without stripping it. I normally shampoo my hair once, focusing mostly on the roots and then working my way down. I noticed that I really don't have to use alot of the product and I do get a good lather. Now on to the negatives...sigh...the price. I brought this from Sally's and it was $10! Its a shampoo, not a product filled with some extra ordinary ingredients. The products claims:

Lavish in the ultimate shampoo experience as your hair is gently cleansed, moisturized and detangles with lemon balm, rosemary and hops.
• Non-stripping
• Moisturizing
• Great Lather

Overall: I give it a 4 out of 5

The Moisturizing Conditioner, for me, is just average. The product states:

Curls Unleashed No Restrictions Moisturizing Conditioner is great to use for added moisture. This product is also great for transitioning, “co-washing,” detangling and conditioning.
• Moisturizes
• Detangles
• Can be used as a daily conditioner
• Prepares curls for styling

Ok, I am transitioning, almost natural. I most definitely wouldn't use this for a co-wash. But it does do a good job in detangeling, but the conditioning is just average. The one thing that I noticed was that I go through this conditioner fast! I used it three times and I am just about done with the jar. Not to mention, this stuff like the shampoo, was not cheap. If you want a conditioner, then go for this one. I wouldn't/couldn't see this being used as a deep conditioner, but maybe with heat it might be better.

Overall: I give it a 3 out of 5

Just as a disclaimer, I am not all into the whole 'all natural' products, no cons, has cons, slip, grip, stuff. So, I couldn't tell you if this is any of that. It says that it contains natural ingredients, but how much I couldn't tell you. I am just a novice starting out with the whole natural product bandwagon. The one thing that I do know is that I don't put much weight into the shampoo and conditioner that I use. To me, the deep conditioner, moisturizer, and oils are more important...but whatever works for your hair is always best.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Spiritual Sunday

Alright, so after listening to Joel last week preach about Blooming Where You're Planted, brings me to my professional life. Now sure that are so many things that I wish that I could change about my job. Please just let me put it out there that I am so GRATEFUL to have a job, along with the benefits and flexibility. But I must admit that I am not completely fulfilled there. As much of a public servant that I am, there still isn't that sense of fulfillment or that I have actually done something good for someone else. The people whom I help don't really feel blessed to have what they have, they feel like they are entitled to it. Well, some of them.

This all has me thinking about starting my own business and/or non-profit. I am constantly toying with the ideas, but lately, there are parts of me that just want to take the leap and do it! And do it right here in Pittsburgh, none the less. You know, I have a friend who is constantly down-talking Pittsburgh. She has so many negative things to say about the nightlife, quality of life for African Americans, the lack of higher paying salaries, just anything and everything. It bothers me so much, I mean like nails on a chalkboard in a cave echoing, when I am talking to her because she hasn't lived here in so long that she doesn't know that things have changed, and to know that not everyone here makes $10 an hour. Sorry, went off on a tangent there.

Perhaps there is a reason for me being here. After all of the research and job searching that I have done in other states, I still have yet to get an offer out of state doing something that I feel would be uprooting my life for. Then again, maybe the Lord has sat me here in Pittsburgh to grow and then take me off on another path or place. Either way, I have decided that I am going to continue to work diligently at my job, trying to make a difference, using everything that I possibly can to make my job a better place, all while asking the Lord to guide me to start a business or non-profit, if its in his will. Contentment. Putting myself at peace with the whole moving, staying, job situation thingy.

Oh yeah, I am also going to really pray about possibly buying a house.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Spiritual Sunday

Continuing on with my whole series on contentment, last Sunday, I woke up and tuned into Joel Osteen. His message: Bloom Where You're Planted. Could this be a sign? Watch the video and let me know!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Traveling Solo?!?!?

Work has been so draining lately. All I can think about vacation! Vacation! VACATION! It's 26 days and counting and I will be in Las Vegas. As excited as I am to be going, I am thinking about how I may not get to do what I want to do. I have been researching some places that I want to eat at, and I am not sure that my friend and her family will be down with eating there. Which brings me to this, traveling solo!

Most of my friends are booed up, married, or just don't share the same travel goals. I have been reading around and I came across one of my fellow YouTubers that actually have a blog all about traveling, most of it solo, called Sista Voyage. While reading some of her posts, and checking out the pictures, I realized 'man, that looks like the perfect vacation. Doing what you want, not having to worry about someone not eating what you like, going where you want to go'. I have told all of my friends that I am a true tourist. I love to see what is different in each destination. I can go to the club at home, but I am only in ____ to see ____ once in a lifetime.

Yes, the thought of going on vacation alone frightens me. On the other hand, I think that it would be great and exhilarating. Now there are places that I wouldn't go alone: certain parts of Africa, Mexico, certain parts of south America. But for the most part, I think that traveling alone will be a great experience. And a great way to get some stamps in my passport...which I have yet to get due to funding issues.

What do you think? Could you travel alone? Have you done it before?